Mobile Application


Mobile Application

Habit Management App UI/GUI Design





Mobile Application

Direct Water Purifier App UI/GUI Design




Development of App UI/GUI Design for PET

- Development of UI/GUI dedicated to companion animals for users raising dogs
- Provides health monitoring information and insights linked to pet-only devices (dishware, checkers)
- Applies an intuitive and consistent UI for data (numerical, graph) and text-based information/insight delivery
- GUI Concept with increased visibility of illustration of pets and graph information

Android, iOS App Development Interworking with Wearable Devices and Servers

- Android develops iOS version of mobile application
- UX Design Considering User Activity Pattern Scenario
- Friendly character design that helps users take proper steps and take care of their health

HA Smartphone App. UI for Smart Home Appliance

- Smartphone Application UI to share data and control home appliances by linking smart home appliances such as robot vacuum cleaners, smart refrigerators, and smart ovens with phones
- Provides auxiliary function to enhance smart life considering lifestyle, home appliances, and phone usage behavior
- HAConsistent UI application of home appliances

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